Alex Clarke
Backend developer, working towards full-stack, Coffee fiend.Full stack software engineering consultant.
Built a vehicle diagnostics backend from the ground up on a .NET 7 stack.
Backend software engineer on the Green Team :) Built and maintained a range of store and business intelligence systems with Python and GoLang.
My biggest solo project, a media and utility bot for Discord. Can play audio, and do other useful (and not useful) stuff. Extensible, configurable, and maintainable, powered by Node.JS, Typescript and Discord.JS. Running on 8 discord servers and counting!
A (very simplistic) multithreaded openGL game engine, built as a learning exercise, my first foray into C++ and OpenGL, for my dissertation.
A base for hackathon sites. Forked from the site I built as part of the Royal Hackaway team in 2018.
co-organiser, volunteer
Sep 2017 - Feb 2020
Communications Officer (17-18) , Ambassador (18-19)
Sep 2017 - Jun 2019